Content strategy for HMRC's Intranet

We worked with HMRC to create the first content strategy for its intranet and helping the teams involved understand what processes to put in place.

  • HMRC was looking to replace its intranet. Our audit showed 50,000 pieces of content, a high percentage of broken links and out-of-date content.

    The business had moved from a centralised to decentralised publishing model, meaning anyone could publish content, and the lack of a proper publishing process meant content wasn’t maintained properly or archived. Different teams were duplicating existing content with little collaboration or focus on user needs.

  • Together we created a content strategy that explained how content would be created, signed off and managed. It was unified around a central statement that specified what the content on the intranet must do. This purpose statement also helped with pushback when it was needed on creating unnecessary content.

    The strategy’s main purpose was to help the culture and behaviour change the organisation needed to go through. It was shown to senior leaders individually and explained what it would mean for their teams. We asked each of them to give it their support and set up a steering group so we could monitor how well it was being used, whether any issues cropped up and whether clarification was needed.

  • This was the first intranet content strategy for HMRC, which meant there was a lot of explaining to do. We made sure to take the time to do this, so that people would understand it and be able to explain it to others. The senior leaders in the steering group liked being able to rely on the strategy – it held the answers to the questions they were asked and it meant they didn’t have to make up answers on the fly with little context. This kept their decision-making consistent over time, and this consistency across different teams helped embed the usefulness of the strategy further.

    The content strategy for the intranet also drew attention to the fact that there was no overall intranet strategy, so it paved the path for that difficult piece of work to get underway, bringing together HR, Comms and IT and helping them work together.

The stats

  • audit of 50,000 pieces of content

  • one content strategy and proposition

  • uniting 3 business areas (HR, IT and Comms)


Our Services

Content Strategy

Content Strategy

You need the right processes to produce great content every time.

Content Design

Content Design

For content that meets the needs of your audience and your organisation.

Content Training

Content Training

Upskill your team to be really good at content: we’ll teach you everything.

Let’s work together

We can solve your content headaches


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